
tan lines.

i know i know... some people hate them. some people love them. i'm personally rather neutral on the matter... but they're a little thing that makes life interesting. though it may look weird or awkward... it's a sign that its warm and the sun has decided to grace us with it's presence again. :) so they make look stupid, but sitting for an hour and a half talking to a good friend about good stuff is much better than any stupid tanlines ;)


the underground chain of knowledge.

the underground chain of knowledge. i have experienced it the most this year with chemistry. no one really understands it when the teacher explains it, at least the first time. but if one person understands it, we'll be ok. most of us social ones anyways... because the person that understands it explains it to one or two other people, who then understand it and explain it to two or three other people. it's a wonderful thing really. us teaching other people if the teacher isn't doing so hot. now, it doesn't really replace good solid teaching, but it's a good enough substitute when theres a time crunch. and of course, it feels good to understand it yourself, and even better to help someone else understand it. :)


driving at night while it's sprinkling with your window down and music going that reminds you of whats really important. a time for your mind and soul to relax and breathe in Him and His promises and truth.


a cracked window to sleep by.

something about that bit of fresh air. even if it's not that much. and the sounds, oh the sounds. something so calming about being able to hear the leaves move in the trees and the ebb and flow of nature and car sounds. having a cracked or open window to sleep by is one of the things that is spring to me. its finally warm enough that you can take advantage of nature and not have to regulate your own temperature anymore. and then waking up. as always, on a nice spring day, it is wonderful to look or go outside and see the bright green of the trees and the bright blue of the sky. though you can't really see those things when the blinds are down. but you can hear the sounds of morning. the birds singing in the new day. the cars going by, the occasional school bus. some people hate having windows open, but i absolutely love it. :)


time with people.

though i would still consider myself an introvert, i have grown to love people and hanging out more. something about just being with people, it makes me happier and feel loved. it doesn't really matter what we're doing. though there are some activities i prefer over others, just because i enjoy them more... but when i'm with someone else, i like just having the time with that person. whether thats eating a meal or going shopping (like walking through ikea for hours) or hiking or anything really. it's esp good when you're doing something, but you're still capable of talking. like a movie theater isn't too conducive to chatting... but a car ride is. often times i enjoy the carride to a metro thing with cru people more than the actual event. just the easy going ebb and flow of conversation and just being with eachother. living life together. even if that means only really seeing some people at meals, because they're so busy otherwise. everyone's gotta eat. just time being with people and enjoying their company. :)


getting all the classes you wanted.

registration is rather stressful. what if you don't get the classes, the sections, the teachers you need or want? if you get behind in one thing, you might have to take classes in a summer or prolong graduation. especially when you're a freshman and you register last. ohmygosh. theres only 4 spots for the class i need! ahh! well, people were freaking out last night. i almost got caught up in it. but stopped myself and breathed in His peaceful presence. theres nothing i could do if 4 people's computers got them registered before mine did. so i trusted. woke up early, refreshed the page til registration opened and clicked through the pages. and i got everything i needed and wanted. though life is so uncontrollable and crazy sometimes, it's nice when things work out the way you'd planned. :)


a good text conversation.

though i definitely would prefer to have a conversation with someone in person. but sometimes it's gotta be over texts, or it just won't happen because both parties are too awkward or apprehensive or whatever to make it work in person. its times like that where i'm glad for technology, where we can talk and get instant responses, while still getting to hide behind our little curtains. though i really would like to tear those curtains down, you gotta move one step at a time. :)



barefoot. creek exploring. walking through the creek and on the rocks. feeling the slippery rocks under your feet. walking through the brush and such along the sides. finding the paths. getting snagged on little prickly things. having some minor scraps on your legs and arms. the feeling on your feet afterward. delightfully natural and kinda dirty. exploring. feeling one at nature, not really disturbing it, seeing how the water and moved the rocks. seeing a couple frogs. seeing how deep the water gets. stepping over and going under branches. earth. nature. creek exploring. :)

fabric flowers.

its hard to be sad while sewing an adorable fabric flower like this. :)


a homemade dress.

its exactly what you want because you made it. it fits in all the right places. it might not have come out as you expected, but it's still wonderful. and the looks you get when you tell people you made it, makes you think that you traveled to the moon and back or something. perfect for a lovely spring day. :)


4 @ 40

well, not really 40. more like 70... but. driving down the highway with all the windows down, keeping it cool with the shining sun. listening to great music, turned up so you can hear it over the wind. having the feeling that you're going somewhere, but not really in a rush. for me, being able to drive with all the windows down is a signal of spring. its warm enough to do it and not freeze from the air/wind. really, what can beat good tunes, the lovely sun, and the wind in your hair? :)


aimlessly running errands.

running errands with mom. having a purpose, but not really. trying on crazy shoes. pointing out everything cute. feeling everything. laughing about piggy bank plugs, beds in bags, chicken sirts, and butt pockets. wishing i was little again and could fit in the cute little girl clothes and shoes. not really buying much of anything. but getting so much. quality time. mother and daughter. :)