
a soft puppy to calm you.

thanks to summer project being tomorrow... i'm a bit high-strung. constantly thinking of what i'm forgetting or if i've packed too much. i've done all that i can right now and just have to accept that. a really soft puppy laying up next to me, covering my leg in soft fluffypuffyness, makes it hard for me to be stressed out. she's so relaxed. soft puppies are wonderfully calming. :)


summer night by the window.

its becoming one of my favorite things. getting practically ready for bed, putting on my glasses, then going to my little space in front of my open window. lately i've been reading through the transferable concepts online so lily has been accompanying me. something about sitting right by an open window to the cool summer night air, with a string of xmas lights and twirling cds swirling above my head. all while reading and learning more about my Savior. i really hope i can have summer night air time in gburg. :)


indecisive spring/summer weather.

it doesn't know what it wants to be yet. it's on the brink of summer weather. but it's still technically spring. one hour it rains, the next it thunders and lightenings. in a couple hours, it's bright and humid and sunny again. now it wants to be cool and cloudy. now hot and sticky. now foggy. now rainy. now torrential downpour. even maybe hail. it doesn't know what it wants to do or be yet. it's in it's developing teenage days. indecisive, so it chooses to be everything in turn. :)


ride of silence.

riding for 8.8 in silence. getting to go through all the red traffic lights. go on streets i would never ride on. being in a big mob of bikes. rain at the end to dance in. wonderful. :)


being a bat.

went to yoga with mom today. not as bad as i remember it being. the spiritualityness of it is kinda awkward for me. but we got to do wall stuff. and i got to be a bat like the people in this picture. i really want one of these wall things for my room!



it makes you feel like a kid again. just swinging away, trying to go higher and higher. feeling the wind in your face. trying not to run into the tree the swing is attatched to. a wonderful de-stresser. who doesn't love swinging?

waking up at 4am

i know, it sounds really stupid. waking up at 4 am, a good thing!? well, i would not want to do it everyday. but. every once in a while, it is wonderful. you get up and no one else is awake. for some reason everyone's either asleep or in their own corner at 4 am... i feel like it's the slowest hour of the world. so no ones up and very few people are out on the roads. the night seems so much crisper and solid at 4 am. its still kinda cool. it's dark but if you look up you can see billions of stars. something about being up when the rest of the world is sleeping. and then getting up early so that you can hike to the top of a mountain and see the beautiful sun rise. as oddly as it sounds, waking up at 4 am and hiking was really redemptive for my soul. :)


an apology.

played ultimate frisbee today at the cru cookout. one time i got half-pushed and slid on the grass and wiped out. normal occurance for an ultimate game. when that play was over, the girl who pushed me gave me a hug and apologized. it wasn't a big deal or anything anyways, but it was nice. :) also, as with pretty much any athletic game you play where theres a whole lot of guys and a few guys, they seem to have blinders on half the time. like me or another one of the 3 girls would be completely open, and the guy throwing would just look past us throw to another guy. i don't know if our double x chromosomes blind them or something, but it pretty much always happens. it's not a huge deal, especially since this is all for fun, and as a girl i've grown used to it. but one of the guys yelled to all the other guys that the girls can catch and throw too and that we're open. i can't remember a guy standing up for the few girls on the team before. and then after we were all frisbee-d out and the park was gonna close, a guy apologized for not passing it to me. though they did not say so, i'd like to think he was admiting he was being a stupid guy caught up in the game. again, even though its not a big deal anyways, it's always nice when someone apologizes. :)


spring rain.

yes it is rain, so it is therefore still annoying at times. but its wonderful spring rain, making everything look so spring green. and it's not freezing cold. its warm. its humid. you can feel summer sticking its toe in the door. and even if you get wet, you don't feel cold and icky. at least not until you get inside to the over-airconditioned buildings... but we're gonna ignore that part for now. ;) spring rain. it's whats up.