
He provides.

He provides what we need when we need it. in the past few days He's provided a great chill cabin, much needed conversations with fellow staff, healing for my weird finger blister things, a lake to cool down in, and the strength and energy needed to be here at camp and be with these girls 24/7.


opening day round 3

2A starts today! i had a wonderful session break with my sister and family, and got a really great sleep last night. my girls are already awesome, none of them seem super crazy.

on another, noncamp note, i have two weird blister things on my fingers... one on my pointer knuckle and one on my other ring finger... our thought is that they're some sort of allergic reaction to a scratch or bug bite and should be blisters but didn't have the chance to really fill up because they're on my fingers, the biggest on my knuckle. who knows what they are or what will happen with them but we'll see...
well i'm off to singspiration then nibble nook, then bed! :)


seeing a lightning bolt.

it's storming in the mountains. pouring rain. huge claps of thunder and flashes of lightning. you look out the window and you see a lightning bolt not 500 feet from you. it's crazy, scary and awesome all at the same time.