
walking alone on a cold dark night.

so i had to stay after for a short bit after cru tonight. everyone else that lives in my dorm had already left. so i walked alone back to my dorm, across campus. i know, i know, probably not the safest thing to do in these days. but. it was amazing. the cold crispness of the air. the way it was so dark that it seems like you can see all the stars. and the lamps along the sidewalk, glowing in stark contrast to the dark sky. but soothing and warm at the same time. and just looking up at all of those stars and constellations. and seeing the outlines of the bare trees. just feeling alive. you can feel the cold air you're breathing. you can feel your face and fingers tingling from the cold. everything seems so vivid and alive, yet calm and subtle at the same time. and looking up and around the whole walk helped keep my mind off potential bad things that could happen to a girl walking alone at night... ;)